Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's Tax Plan Isn't a Tax Plan

A blog post named “Spreading the Wealth Around” by John on Power Line tells how Obama tax plan if inaugurated into office in January will affect all. That this will hurt some 5% of Americans whose taxes will be raised astoundingly huge to help all other Americans a small cut in their taxes. Obama’s theory is to” spread the wealth around,” he tells a Plummer that complains his taxes will be raised. John the writer goes into details complaining that Obama is not issuing a tax plan but a “tax and wealth fare plan”.
The author audience in this case is people researching for information about upcoming candidates running for election and inside advice to peruse the reader from voting for the Democratic Party this mainly being Obama. Also the general public he tries make well aware of Obama’s plans and how there going to negatively effect the country welfare program and how the future tax dollars will be spent in the upcoming years if he’s elected. He latter also shows expectance of the audience knowledge of the usual democratic impact and liking for big government. The liking of bureaucracy making all happy and taking care of special needs he feels is not necessary to discuss.
John quotes the Wall Street Journal in his entire blog pointing out main key factor that prove Obama tax plan isn’t much of a plan. His Fox News video posted along with his article tells how “¼” of Americans don’t even get a tax break, because they get there taxes back. Then John uses Wall Streets Journal numbers to show that “tax credit will rise from $647 billion to $1054 trillion,”and also “an additional 10 million” people will pay no taxes in “2011”.
His information from Wall Street Journal that he repeatedly quotes never goes into detail how the plan will actually trigger these enormous numbers in money and people being taxed free. Logically assuming the audience picks up the idea Obama wants large government which means hiring a lot more governmental employees. For people who work for the government gets pensions and don’t pay tax’s which would lead more to being tax credited. Thus will raise taxes higher on the 5% of people that aren’t getting the tax cut. Obama does this to have the majority to be happy. Which down the road takes the meaning of welfare out of the box, and John believes that AFDC will have to come in to the government to fix the problems as seen back in the 1930’s.
For I can not come to a decision to take side because the credibility is not enough to prove that Barrack Obama’s plan in taxing is a good idea or not. I would have to go to more reliable sources to read their articles on the subject to have a better side on the idea to make a decision. John never explains why the tax credit is going to raise. I definitely don’t trust Fox news being owned by a person with multiple other new stations. I see no information showing that the plan is more of a welfare plan then a tax plan because of no proving evidence of how untaxed people are going to be increasing over the years

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